Digital Flow Meter With Telemetry System
Accumax offers a Digital Flow Meter with Telemetry System as per the latest Central Groundwater Authority(CGWA) Guidelines. Also, this Digital Flow Meter with a Telemetry system is easy to install and user-friendly. It provides an IoT platform for water meters which is suitable for data acquisition from any remote location. Also, its Cloud platform having Real-Time Dashboard that allows viewing all analytical parameters as per CGWA guidelines.
Alerts or Notifications during parameter exceedance will be received through Email and SMS.
Digital display for instantaneous flow reading.
Followed by CGWA, CGWB, and CSWA/B guidelines.
Remotely accessible because it provides an IOT platform for the water flow meters.
Tampering Alert on Dashboard.
Power failure Indication.
Backup of data as per request.
No Pressure drop in flow.
Two variants are available:
1) Electromagnetic Flowmeter with Inbuilt Telemetry System
2) Electromagnetic Flowmeter with External Telemetry System
Demo Link
User ID: demo@accumax
Password: 123456
With Inbuilt Telemetry System

External Telemetry Gateway

Telemetry Cloud Dashboard

Installation Guideline